In March 2021, I connected with Climate First: Replacing Oil and Gas to illustrate what is happening to Ventura’s land and groundwater as a result of oil well drilling. Californians will vote on a bill in June 2022 that could allow oil companies to drill 70+ additional oil wells into the Oxnard Oil Field, putting essential groundwater is in danger.

I started my illustrations by composing a mood board. Next, I proposed two alternate design directions for consideration and we discussed further changes to include in the next round of revisions.




We decided on the isometric composition rather than 2D because it allowed us to include the top of the earth while also showing the layers underneath. I used a flat-plan of the Oxnard Oil Field in Ventura as inspiration to compose the layout of the ground, and I built out a series of three images depicting The Cyclic Steaming process, active and historical oil wells crowding the agriculture, and how the proposed oil wells being voted on in June 2022 will only make things more crowded.




These are the final illustrations that will be used to canvas across Ventura! 
Click on any composition to view fine details.

Using Format